Electronics and Information Engineering
Laboratory name
Laser Science Laboratory   
Laboratory title
Laboratory overview
Main research themes
Individual research theme
  • Resonance optical trapping with ultrashort 1030 nm fiber laser

    工藤 哲弘, 藤 貴夫

    2022 - 2023

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    We perform resonant optical manipulation based on electronic transition resonance with an ultrashort pulsed laser.


    We performed optical trapping using an ultrashort laser pulse and found that the trapping effect was due to the increase in frictional resistance at the individual-liquid interface caused by optical absorption.

    We build an optical system for optical trapping with an ultrashort pulsed laser. As preliminary data, we observed the resonance effect by exciting the target particles.

  • Opto-thermal trapping by using mid-infrared fiber laser

    工藤 哲弘, 藤 貴夫


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    Opto-thermal manipulation with 3 μm mid-infrared Er:ZBLAN fiber laser
    Roukuya Mamuti, Masaya Shimizu, Takao Fuji, and Tetsuhiro Kudo
    Optics Express 32 (7), 12160-12171 (2024)

    We performed opto-thermal trapping of colloidal particles with a 3μm Er-doped ZBLAN fiber laser. We started from the laser generation of 3μm continuous laser. Water has a strong absorption at 3μm in wavelength due to the O-H vibrational mode. We achieved the trapping with much lower laser power compared to our previous study with the 2 μm laser.

    We performed opto-thermal trapping of polystyrene particles with a 2 μm Tm-doped fiber laser. By using the 2 μm laser, water is directly heated and it enables the trapping of the particles along the temperature gradient.

  • Optical manipulation with mid-infrared laser based on molecular vibrational resonance

    工藤 哲弘, 藤 貴夫, DARMAWAN Yoshua Albert


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    We conduct the novel optical manipulation with mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers for sorting particles according to their vibrational optical properties.


    Mid-Infrared Optical Force Chromatography of Microspheres Containing Siloxane Bonds
    Yoshua Albert Darmawan, Takuma Goto, Taiki Yanagishima, Takao Fuji, and Tetsuhiro Kudo
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 7306-7312 (2023), selected as Front Cover

    We present a mid-infrared optical force chromatography technique that enables precise sorting of microspheres based on their molecular vibrational properties using a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser. A variety of microspheres, including those composed of Si-O-Si bonds, can be separated in accordance with their absorbance values at that laser wavelength.

    Optical sorting of silica particles is demonstrated by exciting their vibrational mode with mid-infrared lasers.

    We prepared the optical system for mid-infrared optical manipulation.

  • Development of microscopy imaging system using ultra-short infrared pulse laser source

    藤 貴夫


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    It realizes chemical imaging, which has been difficult to achieve with conventional infrared light sources. Chemical imaging, which provides abundant chemical information, provides insight into the composition, characteristics, and structure of the observed object, and is expected to be applied to a wide range of fields, including chemistry, materials, environment, life science, and medicine.


    High-speed scanless entire bandwidth mid-infrared chemical imaging
    Yue Zhao, Shota Kusama, Yuji Furutani, Wei-Hong Huang, Chih-Wei Luo, Takao Fuji
    Nature Communications 14(1) 3929 (2023)

    High-speed full-field entire bandwidth mid-infrared chemical imaging
    Yue Zhao, Shota Kusama, Yuji Furutani, Wei-Hong Huang, Chih-Wei Luo, and Takao Fuji
    arXiv:2209.06372 [physics.optics]

  • Development of high power femtosecond solid state lasers

    藤 貴夫


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    Femtosecond pulsed laser oscillators and amplifiers using fluoride fiber as the laser medium, as well as solid-state laser amplifiers capable of generating even higher peak power pulses [Opt. Express 26 29460 (2018), Opt. Express 27 24499 (2019), Opt. Express 28 29918 (2020), Opt. Express 30 7332 (2022)].


    Dispersion-managed ultrafast laser based on thulium-doped ZBLAN fibers
    Hiroki Kawase, Junya Takano, Takao Fuji
    The 12th Asia-Pacific laser symposium

    Millijoule 265 fs Tm:YAP regenerative amplifier for driving ultrabroad band collinear mid-infrared optical parametric amplifiers
    Seyed Ali Rezvani and Takao Fuji
    Optics Express 30 (5), 7332-7339 (2022)

    Highly coherent multi-octave polarization-maintained supercontinuum generation solely based on ZBLAN fibers
    Seyed Ali Rezvani, Kazuhiko Ogawa, and Takao Fuji
    Optics Express 28 (20), 29918-29926 (2020)

    Generation and characterization of mid-infrared supercontinuum in polarization maintained ZBLAN fibers
    S. A. Rezvani, Y. Nomura, K. Ogawa, and T. Fuji
    Optics Express 27 (17), 24499-24511 (2019)

  • Development of light wave measurement technology

    藤 貴夫


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    We have developed a new method to directly measure photoelectric field waveforms oscillating in a few femtoseconds [Nat. Commun. 4 2820 (2013)]. The method is much simpler than conventional methods using attosecond pulses and has the potential to be applied in a wide range of fields.



    Spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction of synchrotron radiation
    Takao Fuji, Tatsuo Kaneyasu, Masaki Fujimoto, Yasuaki Okano, Elham Salehi, Masahito Hosaka, Yoshifumi Takashima, Atsushi Mano, Yasumasa Hikosaka, Shin-ichi Wada, and Masahiro Katoh
    Optica 10 302 (2023)
    Optica 10 (2), 302-307 (2023)

  • Ultrafast spectroscopy using ultimately short pulses

    藤 貴夫


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    We are developing fast infrared spectroscopy and femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy using 7-femtosecond mid-infrared light pulses generated by the filamentation method [J. Opt. 17 094004 (2015)].


    High-speed scanless entire bandwidth mid-infrared chemical imaging
    Yue Zhao, Shota Kusama, Yuji Furutani, Wei-Hong Huang, Chih-Wei Luo, Takao Fuji
    Nature Communications 14(1) 3929 (2023)


    Femtosecond time-evolution of mid-infrared spectral line shapes of Dirac fermions in topological insulators
    Tien-Tien Yeh, Chien-Ming Tu, Wen-Hao Lin, Cheng-Maw Cheng, Wen-Yen Tzeng, Chen-Yu Chang, Hideto Shirai, Takao Fuji, Raman Sankar, Fang-Cheng Chou, Marin M. Gospodinov, Takayoshi Kobayashi, and Chih-Wei Luo
    Scientific Reports 10, 9803 (2020)

  • Generation of ultimately short optical pulses

    藤 貴夫


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    We have successfully generated extremely short mid-infrared light pulses using a unique technique called filamentation method [Opt. Express 28 36527 (2020)]. We are conducting research and development to further improve the generation technique in order to make the optical pulses available to a wide range of scientific and industrial fields.


    Sub-cycle mid-infrared pulse: generation and applications
    Takao Fuji
    Frontiers of ultrafast science: From fundamentals to applications
    Invited talk


    Generation of sub-half-cycle 10 µm pulses through filamentation at kilohertz repetition rates
    Wei-Hong Huang, Yue Zhao, Shota Kusama, Fumitoshi Kumaki, Chih-Wei Luo, and Takao Fuji
    Optics Express 28 (24), 36527-36543 (2020)

  • Development of fiber lasers for multiphoton microscopy

    藤 貴夫


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    Develop a new fiber laser suitable for multiphoton microscopy.


    Chirped pulse amplification based on praseodymium-doped fluoride fibers
    Koki Yamaizumi, Fumihiro Hondo, and Takao Fuji
    Optics Express 31 (10), 16127-16132 (2023)

    In vivo three- and four-photon fluorescence microscopy using a 1.8 µm femtosecond fiber laser system
    Hideji Murakoshi, Hiromi H. Ueda, Ryuichiro Goto, Kosuke Hamada, Yutaro Nagasawa, and Takao Fuji
    Biomedical Optics Express 14 (1), 326-334 (2023)

    Short-wavelength, ultrafast thulium-doped fiber laser system for three-photon microscopy
    Yutaka Nomura, Hideji Murakosh, and Takao Fuji
    OSA Continuum 3 (6), 1428-1435 (2020)

  • Mid-infrared optical tweezers

    工藤 哲弘, DARMAWAN Yoshua Albert


  • 中赤外グラフェンプラズモン局所電場によるナノ微粒子トラップ

    工藤 哲弘


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